Beverly’s Death

Beverly's Death.

On May 24th at 2:00 AM Beverly died. The last few weeks were difficult for her and for us all. Swallowing became increasingly difficult, so a few days before the 24th, food and water were discontinued. While this seems cruel, it is far preferable over swallowing wrongly, resulting in material in the lungs. That would cause pneumonia, a much more painful way to die. In those last days she received low doses of morphine for comfort. She was always the wonderful Beverly, remaining calm, pleasant, and interactive through it all. We never saw her moan or cry out for any reason. She smiled and sometime said a word or two; when I said “I love you,” there were several times her response was “I love you.” She had almost constant visitors during the last few weeks, which she relished. And Lori, Erik, and I alternately stayed with her at night for many nights. Lori and I were there the last night, anticipating correctly that it would be the last night. We talked to her through the final moments as she passed calmly with no struggling movement and with no vocalizing of fear or discomfort, maybe as beautiful as death can be. We remember her through the many years that she brought joy, warmth, and laughs to many, many people so much of the time.

(Obituary online at and type in Beverly A Dodd)
